I am pleased to announce that I have been appointed as Kitesurf Coach to the Qatar Olympic Federation as of end of march to start their youngsters on track for Olympic glory in 2020.
Flying out to Qatar for an initial 2 week coaching session straight after I return from competing in the PKRA World Tour Wave event in Dakhla, we will then have a further 6 weeks of coaching in various locations in 2014. I am really excited about this and am really looking forward to future possibilities. Check out this article on British Kitesports - http://www.britishkitesports.org/news/news-training/1013-pasty-appointed-qatar-olympic-coach.html Thanks Lee
Sorry for the delay but was hard as we sadly lost Jake who filmed and was going to produce the video.
Live life to the full. Love you bro Enjoy Lee ;) Kitesurf racing 25-26 May 2013 at Marazion, Cornwall for the Pasty Cup. Round 1 of the British Kitesurfing race championships. Organised by Pasty Adventures kitesurf school. Sponsored by- National Marine Aquarium, Seiners Arms, Philps Pasties. Supported by- Cornwall Tourism, Kiteworld, Hager-Vor, Lodeys, North, Freeriders Music by Kernow Vibration- Ansum Day Camera by Jacob Cockle ![]() Lee 'Pasty' Harvey traveled to Exmouth last weekend 15th - 16th June for round 2 of the British Kiteracing championships. As usual another great event from Steph and the Edge crew. Lee came away with 5 2nds & 4 3rds from the 9 races completed with Olly Bridge winning all 9 to take his 2nd win of 2013 on the kiterace circuit. For Lee this now means a 1st(waves), 3rd & 2nd (racing) from the 3 UK Kitesurfing events so far this year, proving that when you have a kitesurfing lesson with Pasty Adventures, you really are being taught by one of the best riders in the country :) Check out the report online now http://www.edgewatersports.com/2013/news/edge-race-cup-report-2.htm BKSA Coach, Lee is running two kitesurfing clinics in Cornwall this weekend and the forecast is looking perfect. Saturday 22nd June sees a Intermediate Twin Tip clinic at Marazion where we will look at how to do some exciting moves such as backloops, frontrolls and kiteloops. Perfect to boost your kitesurfing level this summer. Sunday 23rd June we have an Intro to Waves clinic (probably at Gwithian) where we will get you up and kitesurfing on a surfboard, making turns and hacking your first waves. Space limited to ensure personal coaching so book quick. Only £50pp. All the details in our Kitesurfing Clinics page ![]() The 2013 Pasty Cup write up is now up on the Event Report page Check it out. More pics and video out soon. The forecast is looking great for The Pasty Cup, Kitesurf Racing British Championships round 1, on 25th - 26th May at Marazion, Cornwall.
Alongside this amazing kitesurfing event, we also now have space available for a learn to kitesurf course over the weekend with our instructor Blake. Kitesurfing lessons will most likely run at Gwithian due to nw winds forecast which will also make for high speed tactical racing in cross offshore winds at Marazion. For more info on the event and all the latest news join our Facebook group- The Pasty Cup For more info on kitesurfing lessons in Cornwall click here News just in that Kiteracing is to be included in the 2018 Youth Olympics and highly likely to be in the Olympics for 2020 with inclusion in all Olympic Sailing regattas from next year 2014. Great times to be involved and bring kiteracing to youngsters who will hopefully see how great it is and take up the fastest form of sailing as a sport ;) ![]() Interested in learning to kitesurf in Cornwall but not sure if you want to spend the money? Then come along to the Pasty Cup, British Kitesurfing Racing Championships over the bank holiday weekend 25th - 26th may 2013 at Marazion near Penzance. Over the course of the weekend you can check out the country's top kitesurfers and have a go at powerkite flying with our free kite taster sessions. Alongside the free lessons from qualified BKSA kitesurfing instructors we will also have plenty going on from our sponsors, including marine conservation info from the National Marine Aquarium, clothing on display from Hager-Vor and competitions to win great prizes as well as plenty of giveaways from Cornwall Tourism. We will also have Philps pasties available. See you on Marazion beach in front of the Station House pub from 10am - 6pm both days. We are pleased to announce we are now taking entry's for the 2013 Pasty Cup sponsored by the National Marine Aquarium.
Just under 2 months to go so get out there kitesurfing and start training to be in the running. For 2013 there will BKSA National Titles for Kiteracing in both the IKA & Open Fleets for Men & Ladies. IKA Fleet runs to IKA rules with registered equipment. Open fleet is for any board 60cm & under with any kite For all the info on entering the 2013 Pasty Cup click here ![]() Lee older than the other 2 put together 18 years after wining a youth dinghy sailing event in Weymouth, Lee 'pasty' Harvey finally gets an Olympic Classes podium with 3rd in Kiteracing. A great result especially after just coming back f Read a full report with Lee's Blog http://www.leepasty.co.uk/1/post/2012/09/3rd-olympic-classes-ranker-weymouth.html For kitesurf race coaching pleases go to our coaching page http://www.pastyadventures.co.uk/kitesurf-coaching.html ![]() Olly Bridge Pasty Cup 2012 Saturday 26th August saw the country’s top kitesurf racers descend on Mounts Bay for the 2012 Pasty Cup organised by Pasty Adventures Kitesurfing School and run by Penzance Sailing Club. With the buzz surrounding the announcement that Kitesurf racing is an Olympic sport for Rio 2016, the UKs top racers were joined by several newbie’s to the kitesurf race scene including 2 guys who were previously on the Olympic Windsurf development program and are now training for Kitesurfing in Rio, making a fleet of 10 kites flying around Mounts Bay. Rigging up at Long Rock in 18-20 knts of breeze, organiser Lee Harvey went out first on a 12m kite along with Mogsy from Wales who was on a 13m. As soon as they made their way to the start line around 2 miles out to sea the wind notched up and most of the other riders noticed in time and chose more appropriate kite sizes from 7-10m as the wind meter on the committee boat read an average of 25knts with 31knt gusts. With the amazing organisation of the race crew thanks to Mike and co. from Penzance sailing club, the 1st race started on time and was promptly won by UK Tour leader, Olly Bridge (15) from Exmouth followed by his mum, 4 time World Champ, Steph with 2010 UK Champ, Callum Edge fighting hard just behind. The next four races were much the same with Olly winning and some close fought battles along with the occasional big crash behind, as huge gusts blew down the race course. In the 6th and final race, Olly was winning yet again before deciding to head back to the beach on the 2nd lap of the 2 mile course as the wind notched up yet more, knowing that he had already won the prize pasty, due to being allowed to discard your worst result with 5 races to count. Callum seized the opportunity taking the win, which meant he finished just 0.3 points ahead of Steph while Lee struggled again as the breeze increased meaning he had to count a dnf. It was then back to the beach for Prize Giving presented by Alex Hapgood. The unstoppable Olly Bridge took the win and the Pasty Cup 2012 with Callum Edge nudging ahead of Steph for the 1st time ever. Other notable performances came from former windsurfer Tom Squires knocking Lee Pasty out of his normal 4th spot and local boys Ryan Crawford and Craig Smith with a great effort getting round after only recently buying race boards. It was then off to bed for a rest for some while others scored a wave and a few had to leave before heading to the sailing club for curry and a band. All of the sailors loved seeing us kitesurfers out there and there was some great feedback such as- amazing control, such speed, general praise and interest in how well we were going around the course and how good it looked. Mike even said he’d like to see and run an event with 100 kites, so maybe the Kitesurfing Europeans or Worlds will be in Cornwall one day soon? Huge thanks to Penzance Sailing Club, especially Mike for providing the committee boat and being an excellent race officer, Barry and Robin on safety in the rib and for videoing, Joe of www.jnpevents.co.uk for the pics and scoring and big thanks to Mark Chadwick for enabling a kitesurfing event to be held at PZSC. We look forward to coming back for a bigger event next year. Next up for the racers is an RYA Test event in Weymouth in end of September followed by the IKA Worlds in Sardinia 1st week of October. Meanwhile Lee is off to Mauritius for the 2nd stop of the 2012 KSP World Tour which runs from 7th -16th September. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @PastyAdventures to stay up to date. For kitesurfing lessons in Cornwall go to www.pastyadventures.co.uk Blake is manning the fort while Lee’s away on Tour so you will be in good hands! Results 1st Olly Bridge 3.5, 2nd Callum Edge 10.7, 3rd Steph Bridge 11, 4th Tom Squires 25, 5th Lee 'pasty' Harvey 28, 6th Gareth Mogsy Morgan 31, =7th Sam Chown & Denzil Williams 40, 9th Craig Smith 42, 10th Ryan Crawford 43 pts. To view and purchase all the pics from the day go to http://jnpevents.co.uk/photocart/index.php?do=photocart&viewGallery=10090 Video coming soon ;) Lee has just released a new Kitesurfing Technique blog to give Tips on all aspects of kitesurfing. Starting of with race tech in the build up to the IKA Course Racing Worlds in Sardinia, he will be covering wave technique over the winter as well as many other valuable tips to help with your Kitesurfing. Subscribe to the blog here http://www.leepasty.co.uk/technique-blog.html |
AuthorLee Pasty Archives
March 2024